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Research Process: A Step-by-Step Guide: Final Product

This guide will help you understand the research process that you need to go through for your assignments.

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Managing referencing using Microsoft Word

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Examples of Final Papers

Each sample paper includes:

Is Your Work Ready To Be Submitted?

Research Paper Checklist

___ Is the font size 12?

___ Are the margins standard size?

___ If they are required, does the heading include my name or SACE number, teacher’s name, class, and due date in that order?

___ Does the heading only appear on the first page?

___ Do my name and page number appear in the upper right-hand corner of every page or are they set as a header or footer?

___ Is the title centred?

___ Do I have a topic statement in my introduction?

___ Do the words "I", "Me", "You", or "Your" appear in the text?  If yes, REMOVE THEM.

___ Did I use formal language?

___ Have I used in-text references?

___ Do in-text references appear at least once in every paragraph?

___ Are the in-text references properly cited?  (Author, page number)

___ Are in-text references located in parenthesis at the end of the sentences, before the fullstop?

___ Did I use linking sentences between ideas and paragraphs?

___ Did I paraphrase my sources instead of copying directly?  

___ Did I have an outline and did I follow it?

___ Do I have a conclusion?

___ Is my bibliography/reference page the last page of my paper?

___ Is it double spaced and with the sources arranged in alphabetical order?

__ Is the Bibliography/References title left-aligned at the top of the page?

___ Did I use the required number of sources?



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